Saturday 26 May 2007

Psychic development from home

People from all over the world have can devlop their own psychic ability!

I know to some, This must sound pretty odd, but! that fact remains that anyone who has a heartbeat, also has an Auric field of energy around them, If you say that you havent; Then I am afraid you are no longer with us and have!

here is a circle of very like minded people in The Hull, East riding of Yorkshire. UK area, who regulary meet twice per week and actually are taught how to; not only! develop their Psychic ability, but! are taught every aspect of the meaning of PSI (PSI covers all psychic phenomina including mediumship) Their teacher is an international Psychic medium John w Green who has a very good way of explaining things to bring out the very best in anyone who wishes to learn how to develop psychically.

John has appeared on UK TV many times as well as taught in sweden to advanced mediums.

Healing is also one of the many subjects taught and learnt by countless numbers of people worldwide. We happened to come across a means wherby people who cannot get out for whatever reason, can actually develop from the comfort of their own home and learn all insider secrets, taught by one of the finest PSI teachers himself John W. Green.
John has compiled a series of monthly collectable CD audio purely for anyone who wants to learn these techniques and of course for the very curious too! It does not matter if you are sceptical or not, The results are still mind blowing. As you develop your own abilities, you will want to show off and impress your friends with your new found gifts...
So as a means of making this blogg I will add little notes from some john's classes I attend. There are literally hundred of members who attend somestimes twice per week every week, luckily not all at the same time or we would not have the room to get the hundreds in at the same time lol!

thank you for reading this far and if you have any question to ask John, I will ask him and post the answers here for you to read.